Kamis, 09 Mei 2013

Kartini Day Devotional

Why Women are Corrupt? 
The extensive media lately much enlivened by news of corruption cases involving women.
Has not vanished from our memories of the corruption cases that shook the politics of this country ranging from cases involving this Century Sri Mulyani, Malinda Dee case, cases involving checks Nunun Nurbaeti and Miranda, and the latest cases involving Athletes Pensions lot of women in therein.

In fact, it is suspected the role of women in many cases corruption is very strategic. Data Indonesian Police Watch said that in 2011 alone there were at least seven women were arrested for corruption.

These women, according to Police Watch played a key role in the practice of law and become operator mafia to secure corruptors of the law.

Beyond the numbers revealed that non-governmental organizations, indicated the number of women involved in corruption even more. Because the name of corruption does not have to involve a number of fantastic fund such high-profile cases that became the mass media.

On this occasion I am not going to review cases of corruption, but wanted to explore the phenomenon of why more and more women are involved in corruption cases.
Frankly, I am personally very concerned with this condition, I'm sure you are too.

I was reminded of a letter RA Kartini to Rosa Abendanon,

"From the first of all human beings is women's accept didikannya, in haribaannyalah the child learn to feel and to think, to speak, and the more and more I knew that early upbringing was not without great effect on human life in the future. And, how the mother was able to educate their children bumiputera, when they themselves are not educated? "

Kartini's letter found its context when we reflect on how can women / mothers will be able to educate their children when they themselves corrupt, fixer, and operator mafia case?
Without batting average stands against all women, we will say is this picture of modern women now days?

While most women still struggle to fight for their rights, on the other hand has a lot of women who enjoy gender equality and occupy a strategic position, but why there are women who are easily tempted to commit corrupt practices?

It turns out, the results of the World Bank in 1999 and that the desire to accept bribes or corruption among women is lower than men is not entirely true.

On the basis of that study, the World Bank recommended that all countries give greater opportunities for women in positions of government and parliament, because their existence has great potential to lower the level of corruption. 

In fact, look at the case in Indonesia, more and more women who had been imprisoned for corruption. 

It is ironic, considering that women are the "mother" of the nation. Is not there a proverb that says, of good mothers - which is actually from the women - to be born good kids and good will created the nation as well.

So what will happen to this country, if the women, if the mother is tempting to engage in corruption, the same meaning using stolen money for his family. We all know, anything that goes into our bodies, if it contains things that are haram, will not bring blessings.

Root Problem

If we look, the women who were the perpetrators of corruption and bribery are affluent people in his life.  

Eg actors Malinda Dee embezzlement dalah Manager at Citibank with 1 M per year income,
Mindo Rosalina house athletes convicted of a Permai Group Marketing Director, or Angelina Sondakh also currently serving member of the House of Representatives.

Why can women flanged treasure still corrupt? 

This turned out to be positively correlated with the culture of the era of capitalist-secular hedonism today. 

Hedonistic lifestyle style celebrities have encouraged the mothers to always fulfill her desire.
In capitalist principles, needs and desires are to be fulfilled. Socially costly socialite, walks out of the country, eating at fancy restaurants, shopping bemerek items, beauty makeovers is customary for mothers or mothers officials who bears today.

Then, berapun of his salary or her salary was never enough to satisfy his desire.
Will eventually push the husband or herself to earn money instantly though forbidden. Corruption, bribes or receiving bribes broker of choice.

The capitalist model of life have dragged the women into the corruption eddies mostly done by men.

Liberalism and secularism which is the capitalist doctrine has made the benefits of right and wrong-not in religious terms-as the standard of living. Democracy is a system of government in a capitalist application has set the most votes as a result of a decision.

This principle would be vulnerable to crime councilors who lays down the law, legislation or state policy. Kind of white collar crime of corruption and bribery will likely be done in congregation or systemic.

After all, such actions could be covered and also saved in congregation with the most votes.
Polemic moratorium on remissions for corruption was one of the proofs. Not surprisingly, many cases of white collar crime that evaporate without a definite resolution, clear and fair.

Because, if opened brightly then many of those who will be involved. Case bill out Bank Century for example, up to now unclear fate. After all, in a capitalist system money decides everything.
Corruptors can be acquitted if successfully bribed; police, prosecutors, judges atupun Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

In the case of athlete's house even considered driving is the women who pushed her husband or his boss for being involved in corruption. It becomes more complicated when it involves political party in power.

So, obviously capitalists system is at the root problem and the various acts of corruption bribery.

For this reason the author who was born in Blora Cepu district, Blora hope that the woman who now has the power to be more careful in acting. Bekalilah yourself with the teachings of their religion which He would not engage so-called virus corruption.

Ibu Kartini remember that in nature there, may be very upset if he saw his people are currently trapped Corruption.

"Long live the Indonesian Women and Selamat Hari Kartini"

(Authors: Drs Ec. Agung Budi Rustanto - Chief Editor of Tabloid INFOKU - compiled from 4 different sources)