Kamis, 09 Mei 2013

Kartini Day Devotional

Why Women are Corrupt? 
The extensive media lately much enlivened by news of corruption cases involving women.
Has not vanished from our memories of the corruption cases that shook the politics of this country ranging from cases involving this Century Sri Mulyani, Malinda Dee case, cases involving checks Nunun Nurbaeti and Miranda, and the latest cases involving Athletes Pensions lot of women in therein.

In fact, it is suspected the role of women in many cases corruption is very strategic. Data Indonesian Police Watch said that in 2011 alone there were at least seven women were arrested for corruption.

These women, according to Police Watch played a key role in the practice of law and become operator mafia to secure corruptors of the law.

Beyond the numbers revealed that non-governmental organizations, indicated the number of women involved in corruption even more. Because the name of corruption does not have to involve a number of fantastic fund such high-profile cases that became the mass media.

On this occasion I am not going to review cases of corruption, but wanted to explore the phenomenon of why more and more women are involved in corruption cases.
Frankly, I am personally very concerned with this condition, I'm sure you are too.

I was reminded of a letter RA Kartini to Rosa Abendanon,

"From the first of all human beings is women's accept didikannya, in haribaannyalah the child learn to feel and to think, to speak, and the more and more I knew that early upbringing was not without great effect on human life in the future. And, how the mother was able to educate their children bumiputera, when they themselves are not educated? "

Kartini's letter found its context when we reflect on how can women / mothers will be able to educate their children when they themselves corrupt, fixer, and operator mafia case?
Without batting average stands against all women, we will say is this picture of modern women now days?

While most women still struggle to fight for their rights, on the other hand has a lot of women who enjoy gender equality and occupy a strategic position, but why there are women who are easily tempted to commit corrupt practices?

It turns out, the results of the World Bank in 1999 and that the desire to accept bribes or corruption among women is lower than men is not entirely true.

On the basis of that study, the World Bank recommended that all countries give greater opportunities for women in positions of government and parliament, because their existence has great potential to lower the level of corruption. 

In fact, look at the case in Indonesia, more and more women who had been imprisoned for corruption. 

It is ironic, considering that women are the "mother" of the nation. Is not there a proverb that says, of good mothers - which is actually from the women - to be born good kids and good will created the nation as well.

So what will happen to this country, if the women, if the mother is tempting to engage in corruption, the same meaning using stolen money for his family. We all know, anything that goes into our bodies, if it contains things that are haram, will not bring blessings.

Root Problem

If we look, the women who were the perpetrators of corruption and bribery are affluent people in his life.  

Eg actors Malinda Dee embezzlement dalah Manager at Citibank with 1 M per year income,
Mindo Rosalina house athletes convicted of a Permai Group Marketing Director, or Angelina Sondakh also currently serving member of the House of Representatives.

Why can women flanged treasure still corrupt? 

This turned out to be positively correlated with the culture of the era of capitalist-secular hedonism today. 

Hedonistic lifestyle style celebrities have encouraged the mothers to always fulfill her desire.
In capitalist principles, needs and desires are to be fulfilled. Socially costly socialite, walks out of the country, eating at fancy restaurants, shopping bemerek items, beauty makeovers is customary for mothers or mothers officials who bears today.

Then, berapun of his salary or her salary was never enough to satisfy his desire.
Will eventually push the husband or herself to earn money instantly though forbidden. Corruption, bribes or receiving bribes broker of choice.

The capitalist model of life have dragged the women into the corruption eddies mostly done by men.

Liberalism and secularism which is the capitalist doctrine has made the benefits of right and wrong-not in religious terms-as the standard of living. Democracy is a system of government in a capitalist application has set the most votes as a result of a decision.

This principle would be vulnerable to crime councilors who lays down the law, legislation or state policy. Kind of white collar crime of corruption and bribery will likely be done in congregation or systemic.

After all, such actions could be covered and also saved in congregation with the most votes.
Polemic moratorium on remissions for corruption was one of the proofs. Not surprisingly, many cases of white collar crime that evaporate without a definite resolution, clear and fair.

Because, if opened brightly then many of those who will be involved. Case bill out Bank Century for example, up to now unclear fate. After all, in a capitalist system money decides everything.
Corruptors can be acquitted if successfully bribed; police, prosecutors, judges atupun Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

In the case of athlete's house even considered driving is the women who pushed her husband or his boss for being involved in corruption. It becomes more complicated when it involves political party in power.

So, obviously capitalists system is at the root problem and the various acts of corruption bribery.

For this reason the author who was born in Blora Cepu district, Blora hope that the woman who now has the power to be more careful in acting. Bekalilah yourself with the teachings of their religion which He would not engage so-called virus corruption.

Ibu Kartini remember that in nature there, may be very upset if he saw his people are currently trapped Corruption.

"Long live the Indonesian Women and Selamat Hari Kartini"

(Authors: Drs Ec. Agung Budi Rustanto - Chief Editor of Tabloid INFOKU - compiled from 4 different sources)

Jumat, 12 April 2013

Dilemma Opinion

Political Promises A Dilemma
Year 2013 will be a year of politics as a penyongsong year 2014 General Election. That's the fourth national elections since 1999, after the collapse of the New Order regime and Reformation era begins.

Formally regime 2009-2014 period coming to an end and was replaced by the next regime.
On paper, the 2014 election will be a good historical record of maintenance direct election by the people in determining the political leaders of the democratic process because it can survive in the midst of a corrupt political uproar.

Three previous elections-1999, 2004, and 2009-should be able to be a mirror to see how the election results not only in terms of the process, but also result in concrete terms to the public.
In the context of Indonesian constitutional law, the legislature-in this case the House of Representatives Parliament Provincial, District / town-is the embodiment of the system of political representation and regional representatives should be held accountable for his political work during this time.

Akuntabilitas political 
In democracies, the legislature was designed as a representation of the majority of the people who choose it. 

In theory, this is the agency that will represent the people to demand accountability to the government. 

CF Strong once described democracy as a system of government that the majority of members of a political community representatives to participate on the basis of the system and ensure that the government accountable for its actions to the majority (Miriam Budiardjo, 2012).

Then, how the legislature itself accountable to the people they represent? This question is actually in line with what is called the impetus to bring the discourse of political accountability.
His thesis is even the slightest political power should be held accountable to the employer mandate.

As a comparison, for example, during the New Order, the president referred to as the mandatory MPR. President received credentials from (appointed by) the Assembly and responsible to the Assembly.

Thus also the Governor or Regent / Mayor must give an account of its mandate.
Design constitution also does not provide clear direction how the legislature could account for his political work to the public.

Instead, the government each year always give accountability in front of the legislature or in the forum jointly named MPR. 

In other words, this system produces a mechanism to examine the accountability of governance by institutions whose accountability is unclear. 

Thus, the system of checks and balances that discourse has not applied in this context.
For that, there needs to be outside the formal mechanism design to hold it by the public as a fiduciary. During the performance of the House of Representatives a report just presented as institutional responsibility in the constitution mandated three functions, ie functions of legislation, oversight, and budgetary functions.

Thus, a need driven accountability actually is how to present members of the House of Representatives / DPRD personally. 

Given any DPR / DPRD has the rights guaranteed by the Constitution to carry out their representation functions. 

Later emerging discourse that legislators were troubled period 2009-2014, mainly relating to corruption, no longer nominated in the 2014 election. 

On the one hand this is good, but should also see whether any member of the Parliament / Council has now produced something that will benefit his constituents. 

Do-not just a majority of House members "cheerleaders" in the legislature forums. There are only a few of them concretely give an idea / ideas.

That is, if they are not part of the perpetrators of some corruption cases handled by law enforcement. 

Article 79 (DPR), Article 233 (DPD), Article 300 (provincial parliament), and Article 351 (regency / city) of Law No. 27 Year 2009 on the DPR, DPD and DPRD indeed contain detailed obligations of each member of the legislature for absorb, collect, hold, and follow the aspirations of the people.

In the same chapter is also required for those morally and politically accountable to his constituents in his constituency.
This could be a very strong basis for voters / public bill promises to the people's representatives. politics Do not promise they once promised only a small dilemma in their eyes.

Institutional accountability should also be coupled with accountability legislators personally because the representation of the design is built on the principle of legitimacy personnel at election time. 

The absence of term limits that are sure to become members of the legislature have implications for the election of a majority of the members of the legislative body "for life".
Unlike the case with the post of president / vice-president who is only allowed for two periods in the same position.

The emergence of "old faces" in the composition of the legislative body for a new period also occurred due to the lack of political accountability of public concern over any chosen representatives. 

In fact, the public has a very strategic position to select their representatives who truly represent their political interests. 

So, this year will be the last year for a public bill promises the politicians who occupy positions in legislative bodies. 

Just to hold the mandate and political promises that have been given in previous elections.
Likewise Blora society at large, it's time to collect on the promise of the members of the council, to what they had promised before he was elected as member of parliament Blora.
(Authors: Drs. Agung Budi Rustanto Ec - Chief Editor of the tabloid INFOKU - prepared from 5 different sources)

Minggu, 24 Maret 2013

Opinion - The Idea

Ruler vs. the People
Indonesia is building incarnation berdasrkan State above the law (Article 1 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution) and democratic. Indonesia does not want the State's stand on the basis of power.

Since 68 years of Indonesian independence, justice and prosperity screams still inflamed. 

Imagine, a desire for justice and prosperity are the demands of the rights possessed by each individual community and certainly must necessarily be met by the State.

However, the power to Indonesiaan current climate, there is also good to show i'tikad really meweujudkan it, where the transition period of the current government are not considered responsive to the demands of the people of Indonesia are now well up ahead. 

Even considered by some experts in constitutional law and most state politicians, the pengabsah authoritarian and "executive heavy" contained in the government during this time. 

The emergence of injustice, ketidaksejahteraan, liability, etc., is the ending of action irresponsible abuse of power. It is reflected in the various formulas dcemikian laws are made.

In fact, in principle, the law should be aspirational product, according to the needs and development of society, guaranteeing freedom of the people to develop themselves and to prevent and protect the public from the things that impede, impair and destroy value - the value of human and social life.

The rights contained in the sacred document (constitution) Indonesia, illustrates how many people's rights that must be met by the State, rather than shackled. 

This incident seemed to give spectacle last days of history, in which the historical reality kings rule was absolute. 

That when his royal arbitrariness without limits makes the rights of citizens bound, all seuatunya determined by the will of the king, while the oppressed citizens.

The birth of the Constitution, which is part of the historical necessity is the paradigm of modern law as a form of restraint on the power of government in ensuring justice, prosperity, freedom, and rights of citizens.

But unfortunately, the power of the constitution as the filter is not yet able to power it mengbungkus meetings. 

In order not happen arbitrariness. This is important, because the consideration that it is not possible power entrusted solely on moral and ethical considerations.

Power has its own logic, though he held the philosophy by, pilgrimage chaplain, and pastor. Lord Acton, English historian once said that "power tends to corrupt, but absolute power corrupts absolutely".

Means that people who have power tend to abuse the power, but the man who has absolute power will be absolute tyrant's hand.

It seems that what Lord Acton said very well, for many the reality that case.
Even the title of chaplain, Father, Statesman was also caught up in the pleasures of power are blinded heart.

Morals and ethics no longer ignored. This also triggers the emergence of gaps between the leader and his people.

And power-hungry leaders who abuse it, versus the people thirst for justice and prosperity. Until finally, the emergence of the gap between the leaders and the led (the people).

Though in principle, spiritual and physical unity between authorities (state leaders) become lighter with the realization of the values ​​of justice and of course have an effect on welfare enhancement

As ever in kumandangkan by Hegel regarding the idea of ​​the principle of unity between the leaders and the people and the principle of the unity of the whole country.

This principle mengaminkan as a parable, in which the leaders and people as one body. 

When the members of the body, the other pain was felt. When people suffer from it pemimpn suffering and immediately intervene to overcome the pain (to help ease).

Rather than add to the suffering of those with sucking rights and obligations forget. 

Previously, the Japanese military government never gave advice and propose to Soepomo through "somubucho" (Head of the General Affairs Department) regarding the Japanese totalitarian state ideology originate on the unity of the eternal, birth, and the glorious spiritual "teno Heika" (emperor; center spiritual people), the State, and the people of Japan. 

Advice is then tried in the formulation Soepomo actualised by Indonesian constitution first.

Any ideas as brilliant, sometimes differ from actualization. Present condition proves that the ideals of State (staatside) with the condition today is much different state.

Or in other words: in sollen das das sein (dutch) or expectations and reality (English), different expectations and reality. 

Nevertheless, hopes and ideals still have to be an ideal benchmark, the nation's journey toward the ideal expectation is realized it is a matter of justice and prosperity that is not merely utopian. 

To what part of the state and this nation if the nation was "hanging towel" in the care of his people.

The government is ruling duties and responsibilities under the law-in which they are paid to do the act of public money-and the government is not the ruler of the country and people ..

The theory is a collection of the government servant, and maid servant who works for the good of the people who pay their salaries.
(Author Agung Budi Rustanto Drs Ec-Chief Editor of tabloid INFOKU - compiled from various sources)

Jumat, 22 Februari 2013

Candidate PNS

Dream Candidate PNS Soon Manifests
Decree on the prohibition of recruiting civil servants minister until December 31, 2012 has been passed.
Indirectly as of January 1, 2013 within the local government has been able to recruit Blora PNS candidates who are ready to serve in His town itself.
The dream of the employess are here are in the queue and is known as K-2, soon to be realized. Only waiting jutlak from the center.
But teach you what number of civil servants in Indonesia in General? Referring to the census population includes people of Indonesia are over 17 years of BPS in 2012 recorded 120 million people.
Of that number, there were less than 30 million civil servants in Indonesia.
So passionate human desire-gebunya Indonesia become civil servants, most of the statements expressed members of the House of Representatives Democratic Party, Abdul Gaffar Patappe that 80 percent of the proposed temporary custodian allegedly so employess officials.
That is, of course, the toll road to be appointed as civil servants no longer just play money (already an open secret, but it is impossible to prove, except when the victim complained to the police, media and legal institutions because they feel wronged), but has been playing memos, letters and signature magic light officials publicly.
How many pairs of temporary employees who now square off in order to be accepted as a civil servant and civil servants?
Typically, the honoree has appeared as an initial step of grandiose dreams become civil servants.
Each honoree desperately eager to continue as a civil servant and civil servants, and for that they are ready to fight it out, including struggling with the demo demanding appointment.
Strangely PNS meager pension amount, while civil servants received each year will continue to add weight to overweight apparatus.
More and more hurt if their little hearts which was supposedly intending to become a civil servant reason than idle because there is no other work.
Even the most wretched if his intention to be corrupt, because the opportunities for civil servants of corruption is huge.
Different from the private sector employees, if they are desperate corruption surely rushed Buser and immersed in jail.
Careful study of management guru Peter Drucker, one-one later PNS not only be a burden to the state budget / budget but make budget / total budget blunt.
Actually, there is a byword has always said, if officials mustache under it automatically ranks of civil servants shall mustache, mustache if not directly transferred.
But a far more important to the people instead the quality of service of civil servants.
It said that, due to the fact that the quality of service of civil servants never qualified despite 15 years of reform.
Even if there are people who praise the civil service, the fact that thousands complain other people.
Complaints that may be caused by damaged roads never repaired, or teachers and lecturers who always miss teaching, or school building that was built far away from residential areas while no transportation, or a long-telenya ID card, passport, KK, BBNKB, deed marriage, land titles, and so on.
Citizen complaints may be related to reduction of waste water, water, water flooding, traffic jams and power outages for days. Lucky, electricity has now been recovered and no longer sickly since
Dahlan Iskan was appointed as Managing Director of PLN. Hey, Dahlan Iskan is not a civil servant, but a professional and has now soared to become the Minister of State Owned Enterprises.
In addition, more and more civil servants are also growing significantly hamper the pace of technology. For example, a business should work more easily with the technological facilities, bureaucratic civil servants deliberately slowed processed from table to table, from room to room.
When the matter to the civil service fast digesa quibble Saturday and Sunday it was a holiday, affairs can not be acted upon.
So when asked to phone his boss to be able to talk directly, casually answered confidential or do not know when to call for launching any business. Finally, the concentration of the ideals to be civil servants can also damage the business.
Therefore, the business should be carried out as plihan, really serious and not as a side job.
While we entered the civil service as a sideline business .
On a small scale civil servants selling kale at the market before heading to the office, and on large scale civil projects that come into play.
If you really want to get in the business why should the salary of civil servants, it means working half-heartedly.
Hopefully this tilisan a provision of the civil servant in Blora so later after being appointed working professionals in their respective fields.
(The authors Drs Ec Budi Agung Rustanto - Chief Editor of the tabloid INFOKU - compiled from various sources)
Original Web : Click Here

Rabu, 23 Januari 2013

the Mutilation of his Subordinates.

Position the Syndrome Mutation

End of 2012 and we disemarakkan with a variety of reports related to the mutation position.

Inauguration of new officials virtually massively to echelon III and IV that occurred in the city of Blora empty.

For those who happen to get a promotion to smile, but for whose fate again is definitely affected "mutilation" should be able to be patient and exercise restraint so as not to be exposed to the "syndrome".

One cause of post power syndrome is a "mutilation of office". In the civil service rules mutilation is not known term in office. And a leader may not think to do the mutilation of his subordinates.

Mutilation is only possible and felt by those who minded "master", ie, assume the position is a power, not as a commercial service.
Model "mutilation" evolving position lately very diverse indeed very "feared" by every civil servant.

For example, over the task from the structural to functional positions, placed into a unit of work "dry", mutations to the suburbs or outlying or decreased by reason of streamlining organizational echelon or may not be extended longer term should be entering a period of preparation for retirement (MPP).

Mutation, transfer duty, transfer of title or whatever his name is indeed a common and routine in every agency of the government in all levels. Mutation is a need for an organization with the main purpose of improving the performance of the bureaucracy and improving public services.

However, the impact of a mutation policy are sometimes incompatible with the object and purpose of the cause or even exist-exist new counter-productive.

Authorities did mutation is an absolute right of Regional Head accordance with the Law on Regional Autonomy consideration officials staffing supervisors in their respective levels of government.

Where in carrying out the duties and functions are technically assisted by a body called the Baperjakat (Title and rank Advisory Board), chaired by the District Secretary.

Technical data in consideration of the position generally known by all employees, both related to promotion, education / training and work experience positions.

But with the support of the technical data alone is not a guarantee of a person can get promotion. The most decisive factor (more so in the era of reform) is a factor of "trust".

Not a secret anymore, is building a trust is the essence of every civil servant to build a future career, and can be built among other shortcuts, such as ABS, service bureaus "success team" services, pressure groups and so on.

However, it should be realized that the shortcut is not the right way and in the language of religion is very far from the blessing of Allah SWT. Users shortcut, sooner or later, one day will surely be "ticketed" by the police and is prone syndrome virus.

Because it is the most secure and straight is by showing "excellent performance" so as to become a figure of a civil servant who "needed" by the organization and by the leadership or policy-makers.

PNS is needed will not be swayed by the politics of climate change or changes in "extreme weather" with tornado though. Even those who happen to gain confidence with any shortcut, should be introspective and able to foster trust by trying to show excellent performance, so as not to be the butt of a change.

Making yourself or PNS figure the right man on the right job to stay relevant and always relevant in a future career.

As management experts have warned that in order to improve organizational performance to the maximum, then the placement of personnel should always be based on a consideration of "the right man and the please" or put the appropriate competence.

To realize such personnel placement, staffing legislation in the country has been set up and establish requirements, mechanisms and procedures for the appointment of civil servants in a structural position very clear.
In order to create the figure of the civil service office holders the right man on the right job, the agency related training and psychology.

The essence of psychological tests is to provide a comprehensive picture of the leadership aspects of a person, so it could be considered in the policy of promotion (mutation positions) a civil servant.

However, the extent to which the results of psychological tests has been used by every policy makers need to be explored further.

In addition to a belief, essentially "office" is a trust and the trust of the leaders, the mandate of the people / community and trust from God Almighty.

By looking at the position as a mandate, we would never think of what I "get" from this position, but we will always think of what I can "give" in carrying out this mandate.

By thinking of office is a trust, then God willing we will be spared from the "syndrome", because in fact the job of God and sooner or later we will return to Him.

(The authors Drs Ec. Agung Budi Rustanto - Chief Editor of the tabloid INFOKU - compiled from various sources)

Original Text >> Click Here

Sabtu, 12 Januari 2013

Mother's Day In Indonesia

Why Must There is Mother's Day?

There's nothing wrong with a Mother's glory. Islam, since its existence and has since brought by the Messenger, putting a very high position mothers. Mother, mother, mother, new kemudianlah a father, which must be respected by a child, so hadist Prophet already known. Glorification of motherhood happen all the time, not just one day only.

Of course if there is now Mother's Day, then there sesauatu else there. Mother's Day is a day of memorial / celebration of the role of a mother in the family, both for her husband, her children, and the social environment.

Commemoration and celebration is usually done by mothers tugaskankan liberated from domestic duties is considered an everyday duties, such as cooking, child care and other household affairs. And Mother's Day undertaken around the world by the name of Mother's Day with a different date.

According to Wikipedia, Memorial Mother's Day in most countries of Europe and the Middle East, had the effect of habit worshiping goddess Rhea, the wife of the god Cronus, and mother of the gods in ancient Greek history.

Thus, in these countries, warning Mother's Day falls in March. In the United States and more than 75 other countries, such as Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, warnings Mother's Day falls on the second Sunday in May as the date it was in the 1870s activist Julia Ward Howe proclaimed social importance of women unite against civil war.

There may be justification; well, not what-what, in one day, a mother's first holiday from routine tasks. Ibn `Umar said, Word of the Prophet SAW said: "The woman who lives at home with her ​​children, will live together with me in paradise." means that there is no stopping or leave when a mother-a very noble position in life. As for the workload, not Islam had set up in such a way as delegated by the husband until all tasks are divided equally between husband and wife?

Hadiths on the curb instead of a woman or a mother. We must remember that the apostle is also open to the Muslim social area at the time. There are many stories that tell ummahat involvement in the Messenger mission, including war.

STILL many people forget that every December 22 is celebrated as Mother's Day. Even more feared if mothers in this nation, including in the State Cognate Sehalai not know what and how to make sense of Mother's Day.
History of Mother's Day in Indonesia

Starting from the convergence of female fighters to Indonesia I Women's Congress held on December 22 in the building that later became known as the Road Mandalabhakti Wanitatama Adisucipto.

Attended by about 30 women's organizations from 12 cities in Java and Sumatra. Results from one of the Congress is to establish the Women's Congress is now known as the Indonesian Women's Congress (Kowani).

Women's organization itself has been around since 1912, inspired by the struggles of the heroine of the 19th century such as M Christina Tiahahu, his Dien Cut, Cut Mutiah, Cut Mutiah, RA Kartini, Walanda Maramis, Dewi Sartika, Nyai Achmad Dahlan, Rangkayo Rasuna Said, and others.

The event is considered as one of the important milestones of the history of the struggle of women in Indonesia. Leaders of women's organizations from different areas of a archipelago gather their thoughts and passion to strive for independence and improvement of women's lot.

Various issues when it is thought to work on the archipelago female unity; inclusion of women in the struggle for independence; inclusion of women in various aspects of nation-building; trafficking of children and women; improved nutrition and health care for mothers and infants; early marriage for women , and so on. Without fanfare colored gender equality, women fighters do critical thinking and various efforts are critical to the progress of the nation.

On December 22, 1928, women's organizations held its first congress in Yogyakarta and formed the Women's Congress is now known as the Indonesian Women's Congress (Kowani). Later, the President through Presidential Decree. 316/1959 set December 22 as Mother's Day and is celebrated nationally.

The nature of the broad and democratic Women's Congress is evidenced by the followers, among other things, the organization Women Utomo, Tamansiswa Female, Putri Indonesia, Aisyiyah, Jong Islamieten Bond section Women, Women Catholicism, and Jong Java Girls section.

If we look, the range of issues discussed Women's Congress shows the breadth of the problem and efforts to fight for the rights of women are better at that time.

The most important thing we look for is the decision of the Congress to establish an agency agreement called Engagement Association of Indonesian Women (GN), which aims to be a linkage of all associations and improve the lot of women in Indonesia and the degree of women in Indonesia.

All recommendations are made by the Indonesian women's movement three quarters of a century ago and we can not deny our fascination with them, and a shame to see how the resignation of our current women's movement.

Campaign against trafficking in women and children who are now just a trend among women's organizations, have concretely on the agenda since the women's movement 84 years ago.

Another important historical significance of the Women's Congress is to be the first stone that marked the rise of a new round of Indonesian women's movement at that time to organize democratically without distinction of religion, ethnicity, and social class.

Furthermore, Congress of Women, the days of the now celebrated a Mother's Day, it has inspired the women's movement in the realm of politics and economics to achieve a significant stage. "Merry MOTHER"
(Author Drs Ec. Agung Budi Rustanto - Chief Editor of the tabloid INFOKU - compiled from various sources)