Kamis, 27 Desember 2012

True Story - Ritual Sex For Rich

Stories sex ritual at Mount cubeb to find Riches

MERDEKA.COM, It's a common story, there is a kind of ritual seeking pesugihan Ngepet pork (the pig to turn into rich) and other people do in Mount cubeb, Sragen, Central Java. To get pesugihan, reportedly had sex with a partner is not valid.

Sordid ritual is mostly done by people who are looking for a short cut to become rich. In these mountains, hundreds of residents of various regions in Java, especially flock to Mount cubeb this. They aim to find a partner that pesugihan ritual (ritual search for wealth). How exactly this could be some kind of ritual procedure and a perverse kind of tradition?

Religious ritual is in Mount cubeb Pendem precisely located in the Village, District Resource Lawang, Sragen, 30 km north of Solo. To reach this area is not too difficult, from Solo to take the bus and get off at the majors Purwodadi Belawan, from there to the left of the road will find the gate that reads "Regional Tourism Mount cubeb", from the gate we can take a taxi or walk to the crossing by boat.

Mount cubeb identical as a sex tourist area because in this place people can consume free sex at will with reason to undergo the ritual pilgrimage behavior, that requirement if they want to be rich and successful.

In an unofficial rule that required that every pilgrim should visit the tomb of Prince Samudro 7 times which is usually performed on Friday Kliwon evenings and Friday Pon (Java Calender) or in the days and months diyakhini well, having sexual relations with someone other than his or her spouse . But if you want to bring your lover was not a problem.

Sex ritual at Mount cubeb was one considers only a local folk legend. Long ago told of a prince of the kingdom of Majapahit named Prince Samudro nobility came from the kingdom of Majapahit but there is also a call originating from the kingdom era Pajang.

According to the story, Prince Samudro fell in love with his own mother, Dewi Ontrowulan. Prince Samudro father who knows the mother-child relationship into a rage and then expel Prince Samudro.

After being expelled by his father is the Prince Samudro to travel and finally comes to Mount cubeb, not long after the mother followed her son to Mount cubeb longing for release.

Long story short, the mother and the child who was hit was off a yearning romance in a long long time no see. However, before he could pass the mother and son sex, local people caught them both and then merajamnya (Sentenced) in a gang until they died..

Both were subsequently buried in a grave on the mountain as well. According to other stories, breathed his last before Samudro Prince had left a message that is to anyone who can continue the relationships between husband and wife who had not done that all requests will be granted.

"I will give up, but listen to my vow. Who wants to imitate actions, that is to redeem my sins and I will help in any way". That the contents of the oath that was brought Prince Samudro before he died.

From the legend of Prince Samudro is the one ritual at Mount cubeb as the scene of an orgy to ask for wealth. If successful, both partners are not legally be husband and wife should meet again to do the congratulations and celebration at Mount cubeb it back.

If broken, the two couples who have been promised in the tomb of Prince Samudro, will become poor again. In fact, according to the myths and beliefs of their citizens or bead two couples doing nasty ritual that both will suffer harm.
Sources: Merdeka.com