Political Promises A Dilemma
Year 2013 will be a year of politics as a penyongsong year 2014 General Election. That's the fourth national elections since 1999, after the collapse of the New Order regime and Reformation era begins.
Year 2013 will be a year of politics as a penyongsong year 2014 General Election. That's the fourth national elections since 1999, after the collapse of the New Order regime and Reformation era begins.
Formally regime 2009-2014 period coming to an end and was replaced by the next regime.
On paper, the 2014 election will be a good historical record of maintenance direct election by the people in determining the political leaders of the democratic process because it can survive in the midst of a corrupt political uproar.
On paper, the 2014 election will be a good historical record of maintenance direct election by the people in determining the political leaders of the democratic process because it can survive in the midst of a corrupt political uproar.
Three previous elections-1999, 2004, and 2009-should be able to be a mirror to see how the election results not only in terms of the process, but also result in concrete terms to the public.
In the context of Indonesian constitutional law, the legislature-in this case the House of Representatives Parliament Provincial, District / town-is the embodiment of the system of political representation and regional representatives should be held accountable for his political work during this time.
In the context of Indonesian constitutional law, the legislature-in this case the House of Representatives Parliament Provincial, District / town-is the embodiment of the system of political representation and regional representatives should be held accountable for his political work during this time.
Akuntabilitas political
In democracies, the legislature was designed as a representation of the majority of the people who choose it.
In theory, this is the agency that will represent the people to demand accountability to the government.
CF Strong once described democracy as a system of government that the majority of members of a political community representatives to participate on the basis of the system and ensure that the government accountable for its actions to the majority (Miriam Budiardjo, 2012).
Then, how the legislature itself accountable to the people they represent? This question is actually in line with what is called the impetus to bring the discourse of political accountability.
His thesis is even the slightest political power should be held accountable to the employer mandate.
His thesis is even the slightest political power should be held accountable to the employer mandate.
As a comparison, for example, during the New Order, the president referred to as the mandatory MPR. President received credentials from (appointed by) the Assembly and responsible to the Assembly.
Thus also the Governor or Regent / Mayor must give an account of its mandate.
Design constitution also does not provide clear direction how the legislature could account for his political work to the public.
Design constitution also does not provide clear direction how the legislature could account for his political work to the public.
Instead, the government each year always give accountability in front of the legislature or in the forum jointly named MPR.
In other words, this system produces a mechanism to examine the accountability of governance by institutions whose accountability is unclear.
Thus, the system of checks and balances that discourse has not applied in this context.
For that, there needs to be outside the formal mechanism design to hold it by the public as a fiduciary. During the performance of the House of Representatives a report just presented as institutional responsibility in the constitution mandated three functions, ie functions of legislation, oversight, and budgetary functions.
For that, there needs to be outside the formal mechanism design to hold it by the public as a fiduciary. During the performance of the House of Representatives a report just presented as institutional responsibility in the constitution mandated three functions, ie functions of legislation, oversight, and budgetary functions.
Thus, a need driven accountability actually is how to present members of the House of Representatives / DPRD personally.
Given any DPR / DPRD has the rights guaranteed by the Constitution to carry out their representation functions.
Later emerging discourse that legislators were troubled period 2009-2014, mainly relating to corruption, no longer nominated in the 2014 election.
On the one hand this is good, but should also see whether any member of the Parliament / Council has now produced something that will benefit his constituents.
Do-not just a majority of House members "cheerleaders" in the legislature forums. There are only a few of them concretely give an idea / ideas.
That is, if they are not part of the perpetrators of some corruption cases handled by law enforcement.
Article 79 (DPR), Article 233 (DPD), Article 300 (provincial parliament), and Article 351 (regency / city) of Law No. 27 Year 2009 on the DPR, DPD and DPRD indeed contain detailed obligations of each member of the legislature for absorb, collect, hold, and follow the aspirations of the people.
In the same chapter is also required for those morally and politically accountable to his constituents in his constituency.
This could be a very strong basis for voters / public bill promises to the people's representatives. politics Do not promise they once promised only a small dilemma in their eyes.
Institutional accountability should also be coupled with accountability legislators personally because the representation of the design is built on the principle of legitimacy personnel at election time.
The absence of term limits that are sure to become members of the legislature have implications for the election of a majority of the members of the legislative body "for life".
Unlike the case with the post of president / vice-president who is only allowed for two periods in the same position.
Unlike the case with the post of president / vice-president who is only allowed for two periods in the same position.
The emergence of "old faces" in the composition of the legislative body for a new period also occurred due to the lack of political accountability of public concern over any chosen representatives.
In fact, the public has a very strategic position to select their representatives who truly represent their political interests.
So, this year will be the last year for a public bill promises the politicians who occupy positions in legislative bodies.
Just to hold the mandate and political promises that have been given in previous elections.
Likewise Blora society at large, it's time to collect on the promise of the members of the council, to what they had promised before he was elected as member of parliament Blora.
(Authors: Drs. Agung Budi Rustanto Ec - Chief Editor of the tabloid INFOKU - prepared from 5 different sources)
Likewise Blora society at large, it's time to collect on the promise of the members of the council, to what they had promised before he was elected as member of parliament Blora.
(Authors: Drs. Agung Budi Rustanto Ec - Chief Editor of the tabloid INFOKU - prepared from 5 different sources)